What we do?

We have combined traditional survey methods using total station, DGPS, etc. with latest drone survey technology to provide more detailed outputs for analysis.
We provide models of HV Tower, Communication towers for detailed analysis.
We provide transmission line patrolling services to detect condition of the line.


  • Our operator flies the drone through the Transmission Line Network, taking thousands of pictures with the attached camera.
  • Using computer software, we stitch and layer the images, creating a model of the actual site. 


Drones easily acquire data from difficult-to-reach points of Tower/ Line.
Detailed high resolution images from the topmost earth – wire to the bottom most foundation legs of tower are captured that include the most minute details of even a loose nut.
Thermal Camera mounted on drones can detect hotspots at joints.
Sagging, loose strands etc. in transmission lines can be detected.
Due to its high speed, time required to capture data is drastically less for drones compared to traditional methods.
Drones provide more detailed deliverables of actual site data along with all the files obtained usually with traditional methods.
The 2D Orthomosaic maps and 3D models provided by drone have resulted to be a game changer as it provides high accuracy physical site data for detailed analysis.

  • Reduces manpower cost
  • Saves time
  • High Accuracy


Contour, Boundary – Plot Marking,Digitised Maps, High quality 2D Orthomosaic maps, 3D models,high-density point cloud, Digital Surface Model, Digital Terrain Model, Digital Elevation Model , video, soil test reports

Why choose us

  • We have experienced professional Drone Pilots for proper data capturing
  • We have talented and experienced data processing team to meet all the client requirements.
  • We provide quick, accurate and cost – effective solutions to our client.